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Powtórzenie wielokrotnie kodu, doda ten towar tyle razy ile razy występuje.
- Magistralowy termostat sterujący ogrzewaniem, 3 tryby pracy,
- obsługa lokalna i zdalna MyJablotron, do 8 szt. na jedną centralę
- Full integration in MyJABLOTRON = information of the current status and remote control of the thermostat
- Automatic switch-over to the economy temperature on setting the premises
- Weekly schedule mode
- Possibility to enter the manual temperature setting mode
- Possibility to switch off if only a minimum temperature should be maintained in the building
- Heating suppression if a window is open
- Report in the case of overheating or freezing
- Easy control by dial
- Temperature history graph
- Tamper sensor
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